Mindful Games
Interactive Biofeedback Game (2008)
Researchers: Alissa Antle, Jinsil Seo, and Aaron Levisohn
Mindful Games: Comparing Evaluation Methods
Mindful Games demonstrate an important next step in UbiComp Environments, one in which the computer is an active and intelligent participant in interaction. Mindful games are based on a computationally mediated mind-body-machine biofeedback loop. As the relationship between the user and the machine shifts towards two-way interaction, the boundary of the body and cognition shifts outside of the “skin-bag†to include the computationally mediated biofeedback loop operating within a mindful game environment.
Project 1: Butteryfly
by Alissa Antle, Jinsil Seo, Aaron Levisohn
Hardware + Software
- Sensors from Wild Devine
- Biofeedback Application was created using Flash