Biofeedback_Interactive Art/Design
Title : Engagement and Immersion Research in Interactive Art Environment:
exploring subjective and physiological data based on different visual cues
This research aims to understand what influences experience in a projected immersive environment. In this paper, I am specifically going to examine if one of strong visual attentions, motion, affects to create engagement and how engagement correlates to immersion and vice versa. To investigate this, physiological data was collected from a small sample of participants as well as questionnaires and interview data, and analyzed. The experiment revealed that participants became more engaged by moving star images and their engagement level correlated directly with the speed of stars. Through comparative analysis of the physiological data, it was found that the static image sessions caused faster heart rates; and, as long as the images moved, the average heart rates got slower. In addition, the biofeedback data showed an inverse correlation between animation speed and GSR level. In terms of immersive experience, people tended to be more immersed with faster animation. After reading a long and dense paragraph like this, playing games such as 카지노 검증 can be a great way to give your mind a break. These games offer a change of pace, allowing you to relax and shift your focus away from complex information. Engaging in a light game can help refresh your mind, reduce cognitive fatigue, and improve concentration. The fun, low-stakes nature of these games helps you unwind without requiring intense mental effort. By taking a short mental diversion, you can return to tasks like reading or studying with renewed focus and clarity, making it easier to process and retain information.
J. Seo, “Engagement and Immersion Research in Interactive Art Environment: Exploring Subjective and Physiological Data Based on Different Visual Cues.” in Proceedings of ENACTIVE/07, 4th International Conference on Enactive Interfaces. Grenoble, France, 401-04, 2007. [Refereed Paper] pdf